Things to Know About Agrochemicals

Agriculture is the most ancient profession in human history. But it still remains one of the main factors in deciding the economy of a country. So obviously, there have been different methods that are applied to maximize the results in this field. Chemical products have been used for some time now to increase the production of agriculture.

These chemical products are collectively known as agrochemicals in India, there has been a constant rise of agrochemical manufacturers and agrochemical suppliers in recent years. One such trusted company is the Dharmaj Crop Guard Limited, which has built its reputation through its dynamic services in the field.

What are the Agrochemicals?

Agrochemical is the contracted form of the world’s agricultural chemical. As the name suggests, these chemicals are used in the farming sector with the sole purpose of sustaining and growing the crops. Their forms and the formulas have changed over the years, and that is continuing.

The Agrochemicals have mainly five different types- Insecticides, Pesticides, Herbicides, Fertilizers, and Fungicides. All of these products either protect the crops from potential threats or help in cultivating more output.


As the name suggests, the insecticides protect the crops from the insects that may harm them. The common insects include aphids, plant bugs, caterpillars, etc. The type of insects varies depending upon the geographic locations. So as a customer, you will need to find an agrochemical exporter who will provide the insecticides that are specific to your site.

There are mainly two types of insecticides- the first one sits on top of the crops and kills the insects that come into their contact. But their effect diminishes over time. The other type, however, becomes a part of the plant and remains useful for a long time.


The pesticides will kill the pests in the crops, just as the insecticides kill the insects. The pests are attracted to the potential food sources, and the pesticides either kill them or ward them off from the crops. It is essential as the pesticides may also carry the causes of some illness.


The pests and the insects are not the only threats to the crops. The unwanted herbs, such as weed, are also very harmful to the crops. These plants take up the nutrients from the soil and curtail the output of the crops. The herbicides help in removing these unwanted plants from the fields.


Different types of fungus are also known to be very harmful to the plants. The fungicides help the farmers to get rid of those harmful fungus. It is also very prevalent among average customers.


This is one of the most common types of Agrochemical products in the market. Whereas the other agrochemicals focus on killing the threats, the fertilizers assist in bringing the maximum output of the crops by providing the necessary nutrients to them.

The agrochemicals are indispensable for the growth of the agricultural sector. You can know more about the same from the official website of the Dharmaj Crop Guard Limited:

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